domingo, 30 de novembro de 2008
The future is in our.... feet!
(for more info, watch this
'Come on, don't joke with me' you may say.
When you turn on a lighter, those that you just need to press the button, it produces a spark. Do you know how is that spark produced? By pressing a piezoelectric crystal. Those materials when under pressure produce small amounts of electric energy. I am talking about this topic because I saw a documentary on the TV talking about this. Do you know that if a person walks for 1 hour on a piezoelectric floor it would produce about 50 watts? ‘Not much’, you may say, and you are right. But think in an airport or in a shopping mall or even in a train station. Can you imagine the amount of energy that could be saved by just changing the floor tiles?
Taking these numbers to an extreme: if all humans, 6 billions, where eventually walking for 1 hour every day in those tiles, it would be produced 300GW of electricity!
That is what we need to do: little changes. Those are the ones which have the greatest impact in our environment. If we do a lot of little changes, we are actually making big changes!
Remember; 1 Euro is made out of of 100 cents!
sábado, 29 de novembro de 2008
Wave Energy
It is expected that the energetic consume will rise on the next decades. To prevent that, the governments from all around the globe have been warned to the fact that the traditional ways to produce energy are causing environmental problems and they need to change to renewable ones. The energetic sector has been forced to reconstruct the process, which means the sector will have to use renewable energies.
In industry, the renewable energies evolution is emerging. The wave Technology is new and it´s not economically competitive with other elder technologies like the wind power, although governments and industries interest in this field is growing because the waves have the bigger amount of energy of all the other renewable resources.
Just imagine the huge amount of energy those waves have. Even professional surfers can´t handle them (this video is not for sensitive eyes):
EnViRoNmEnTaL IsSuEs
The scientific and technologic advance of our society have provoked a rapid raise of the global energetic consume.
Mankind has used fossil energies irrationally because on their daily life they consume high amounts of energy without thinking on the consequences that their actions are having on the environment.
The world energetic supply still depends about 95% on fossil fuels, which means that every day high amounts of toxic and greenhouse gases are sent to the atmosphere. One of the main consequences of these gases is the raise of the global temperature on our Planet. Besides that, nitrogen and sulfur send to the atmosphere by industries every day, react with the evaporated water, producing acid rain. This atmospheric contamination is toxic for all the living beings and pollutes the water of rivers and lakes.
The increase of fossil energies consume will conduct to their extinction. That´s why the humanity should have conscience of the energetic crises and use other resources to minimize the environmental impacts.
quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2008
CO2 Gas Emissions
Since the Earth formed, more than 4600 million years before, climate has had a few changes. Although, on the last century, those changes have been growing, overtaking the line of natural.
The climate changes are nothing more, nothing less than a consequence of the human activity on the natural world. With effect, since the industrial revolution the human activity raised on 25% the amount of carbon dioxide present on the atmosphere. The burning of fossil energies and deforestation are the primary suspects of this raising.
Our Precious Planet
We need energy for heating, food, transports, construction and production. Energy is essential for all our daily routine and for our economy. Although, ambient impacts derived from the high energy consume and production are really worrying.
The actions of the consumers are determinant to save energy. The rational use of energy should begin where the cost is more effective. It is important to improve the information about the environment because people should know what is happening to our Planet. It is on our hands save the natural resources and protect the world.
Brumm Brummm!!
Watch this video:
Interesting hum??
Indubitably, this is the future, but now... well... it's very expensive and challenging to have one of these.
One of the biggest problems we are facing when trying to use a car like this, is the few amount of fuel stations which provide hydrogen! This is even a bigger problem when considering this car has more or less a 400 km autonomy.
To this problem I have a simple solution. Populations are mostly distributed by the coastline so:
I don't know how accurate are those numbers but lets imagine that 10% of all fuel stations are close to the sea, a big river or a lake.(I think there are more than 10% but let's don't oversize the numbers). If those stations where connected by water distribution pipelines, and where provided by High-efficiency solar and wind generators, they could be the hydrogen producers! Advantages of this? Low cost! If we could produce our fuel, where we sell it, we won't add the transportation cost to the cost of the fuel! Perfect!
And more, in order to waste less water, each station would also be a sewage treatment station, so it would preferably use water which would never be used to drink or to water crop fields.
10% doesn't seem too much, but it would help the hydrogen cell vehicles proliferation!
domingo, 23 de novembro de 2008
Let the Sun guide you!
Let’s travel some years in the past. Where are we? I give you a clue; pyramids and sand. Yes Ancient Egypt. From all the religions, I really do think theirs was the one that made more sense, since ever. Their gods were personifications of various nature´s aspects, and their mythology was based on natural events. One of the deities they worshiped was Ra, the Sun god (actually the sky god (Horus) was also considered Sun god).
Why would they worship the Sun that burned their backs while building the mighty pyramids?
The answer: they were a smart civilization, and they knew the Sun was their main source of energy. They also worshiped some Nile river deities such as Hapy and Osiris.
Hum… water and sun… does this remembers you anything?
On my first post I talked about electrolysis, a method to break water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen atoms, using electricity. Sun is indubitably our main and more durable source of energy. Water… well 71% of our planet is covered by it. Why don’t we just join the useful to the pleasant?
This has been made, since beginning of time, first, by cyanobacteries, and after several years of evolution, by plants.
Photosynthesis, that is how plants produce carbohydrates using water and sun.
Why does this matter to solve our energetic problems? Photosynthesis, in the middle of the process, split the water molecule into oxygen and hydrogen! Fantastic! If we could use a ‘synthetic photosynthesis machine’ we would have an extremely efficient way to transform sun’s energy into hydrogen. That could be used in many useful ways to produce clean energy.
And if I told you, we can? Apparently some scientists have been developing this, and now having good cost/profit, and efficiency rates!
This might be the revolution in energy storage, the scientific community has been waiting for. Through this way we can capture, store and use the ‘perfect fuel’ that doesn’t leaves any residue except pure water!
Apparently, Ancient Egyptians had a good reason to worship their gods. Didn’t they?
For further reading, watch the sources I used.
quarta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2008
Let it blow...
It is clean and cheap and sometimes, we have too much wind, so we don’t take the risk of ‘running out of fuel’. Actually according to this reference [1] , published by Delaware University and based on NASA information, is expected to exist about 72 TW (Terawatts) of wind-power, economically viable, to be used at the moment (with the current regular weather patterns), and with current technology. This amount is about FIVE times the current worldwide necessities.
So, why not? Many people argue that the wind generators create an enormous environmental impact, and that they look bad esthetically, as well that if they are built near houses, the noise might bother some people.
But aren’t all those problems insignificant when compared with air pollution and Global Warming?
If you don’t want to hear the noise, build the ‘wind fields’ in the ocean. It is doable, and there are actually fully operational fields working in the North Sea.
So think about it, sit at the beach and watch the wind blowing up the sails of a boat…