It is clean and cheap and sometimes, we have too much wind, so we don’t take the risk of ‘running out of fuel’. Actually according to this reference [1] , published by Delaware University and based on NASA information, is expected to exist about 72 TW (Terawatts) of wind-power, economically viable, to be used at the moment (with the current regular weather patterns), and with current technology. This amount is about FIVE times the current worldwide necessities.
So, why not? Many people argue that the wind generators create an enormous environmental impact, and that they look bad esthetically, as well that if they are built near houses, the noise might bother some people.
But aren’t all those problems insignificant when compared with air pollution and Global Warming?
If you don’t want to hear the noise, build the ‘wind fields’ in the ocean. It is doable, and there are actually fully operational fields working in the North Sea.
So think about it, sit at the beach and watch the wind blowing up the sails of a boat…
Um comentário:
I liked that abbreviation (NPSE’s), I think I will use it too.
The wind power is a great option - clean, cheap and unlimited. Our country is working well in this area, we can see it really close from here.
I don't think wind generators look bad. It is prettier than any kind of factory, certainly!
UnDo Something!
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