Since the Earth formed, more than 4600 million years before, climate has had a few changes. Although, on the last century, those changes have been growing, overtaking the line of natural.
The World is heating. On the past 140 years, Earth´s temperature raised between 0.6 to 0.2 degrees and it´s expected to continue growing between 1.5 to 5.8 degrees before 2100.
As temperature rises, there are going to become clear some changes, like the sea raising, that threat the communities and the ecosystems of the coast, natural catastrophes occurs like desertification, between others.
The climate changes are nothing more, nothing less than a consequence of the human activity on the natural world. With effect, since the industrial revolution the human activity raised on 25% the amount of carbon dioxide present on the atmosphere. The burning of fossil energies and deforestation are the primary suspects of this raising.
The climate changes are nothing more, nothing less than a consequence of the human activity on the natural world. With effect, since the industrial revolution the human activity raised on 25% the amount of carbon dioxide present on the atmosphere. The burning of fossil energies and deforestation are the primary suspects of this raising.
2 comentários:
Some people has no conscience that how important is to reduce the CO2 emitions. We have to rstop it, or the future of our relatives will be very dangerous!
Nice topic (:
Co2 its a very concerning matter this days,its one of the principal causes of the whole in the ozone layer.WE must stop the C02 emissions.
Nice post by the way.
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