sábado, 29 de novembro de 2008

Wave Energy

Wave energy is a renewable energy resource that is starting to be explored for some European countries. Since the last decade, Europe has invested on the development of new technology to retain the energy of the waves. The support of the research and development have been provided by the European commission, stimulating coordinated work between European countries on this field which contributed to the progress of this technology.
It is expected that the energetic consume will rise on the next decades. To prevent that, the governments from all around the globe have been warned to the fact that the traditional ways to produce energy are causing environmental problems and they need to change to renewable ones. The energetic sector has been forced to reconstruct the process, which means the sector will have to use renewable energies.
In industry, the renewable energies evolution is emerging. The wave Technology is new and it´s not economically competitive with other elder technologies like the wind power, although governments and industries interest in this field is growing because the waves have the bigger amount of energy of all the other renewable resources.

Just imagine the huge amount of energy those waves have. Even professional surfers can´t handle them (this video is not for sensitive eyes):

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